Non Negotiables
Practical procedures and relative costs of Non Negotiable play on table games. By Andrew MacDonald Gaming Analyst, Adelaide Casino,1991 |
Casino Analyser Reference Non Negotiable Differential |
Introduction | Walkthrough | Mathematical Ratios | Revenue Calculation Comparisons for Various Games After Tax | Non Negotiables on Roulette | Other Methods of Explanation | Conclusion |
In conclusion, non negotiable chips are a useful addition to a Casino’s armoury of promotional tools. They offer a simple and effective way of tracking play and are readily accepted if not demanded by the Asian junket operator. Their preference for using non negotiables is that it allows them to track their individual players and they know that the system works and is fully verifiable by themselves.
An understanding of the fundamentals behind non negotiables is essential if an operator is to achieve a suitable balance between a commission payment and an acceptable net operating margin to junket operators or players.
I trust the above has in some small way helped Casino Managers understand or enhanced their ability to explain this system.
– Bill Eadington and Nigel Kent-Lemon
– Jim Kilby
– Pryna Ypma
– Sean McCreery
– Peter Griffin