Blackjack Dollar Sevens

A description and mathematical analysis of a Blackjack side bet.
By Andrew MacDonald, Senior Executive Casino Operations
and Pryna Ypma Business Analyst
Adelaide Casino, 1996

Introduction | Game and Tournament Rules | Submission A | Submission B | Rules: Dollar Sevens Tournament | Mathematical Analysis | Comparison to Caribbean Stud | Conclusion |

Blackjack Dollar Sevens is a simple Blackjack side bet developed at the Adelaide Casino as a potential medium for a major joint promotion across participating Casinos in Australia. As such it is a hybrid of “Super Sevens” and “Let It Ride : The Tournament”.

The following extract from the Casino’s advertising provides a brief description of the side bet.

“Blackjack Dollar Sevens:-

Stretch $1 into $250,000 at Blackjack. New Blackjack Dollar Sevens is easy to play and you dont even have to win your Blackjack hand. Just put a dollar down as a side bet and wait for those lucky sevens!

Paytable Odds
2 unsuited 7’s 50 to 1
2 suited 7’s 150 to 1
3 unsuited 7’s 500 to 1
3 suited 7’s 7770 to 1

Every player who gets three suited sevens automatically goes into the Sevens Tournament with a guaranteed $250,000 first prize. There’s a Tournament held approximately every 90 days where each player is given $1,000 in chips to compete with. Players are even allowed to retain all winnings without the need to pay back the $1,000.

* Sevens must be dealt consecutively. When dealt consecutive sevens the cards may be split and the player will be paid as having been dealt three sevens if the third card dealt is a seven. Winnings are paid on the highest combination only”.

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